First of all nothing against the actress. I loved her character on True Blood. I cheered when she was discovered as the big fat rat and was exterminated.

Also known as Supercuts.
Also known as Supercuts.

If you are a Jessick Rick/Jessica or a Jessie fan. LEAVE! You are not welcomed here.

I'll be over after I lock my son in the closet Rick!
I’ll be over after I lock my son in the closet Rick!

Now here is the top 5 reasons I HATE JESSICA ANDERSON.

  1. She reminds me of Lori… Need I say more?
I'm not winning any mother of the year awards.
I’m not winning any mother of the year awards.
  1. Who goes to random people’s houses in the ZA and offer them a haircut? Oh, yeah Jessie.
I'm pretty much useless and a terrible mother, but hey, I might be a pretty good lay, depending on who you ask.
I’m pretty much useless and a terrible mother, but hey, I might be a pretty good lay, depending on who you ask.
  1. She is called Supercuts, but I bet Rick is thinking Superhead.
My husband is passed out and my kids are... well, I have a little free time.
My husband is passed out and my kids are… well, I have a little free time.
  1. This is the Zombie Apocalypse bitch! Why are you bringing strangers into your domestic dispute with your husband?
I’m pathetic. let me in.
  1. Now all the sudden we are supposed to believe she is capable like the people in Rick’s group. Jessie, you will never be one of the them. I hope that you become walker food real soon.

Jessica HOELike this post if you are with me…

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